\jP Biodiversity fe^HeriUge http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org The Nautilus. [Melbourne, Fla., etc.,American Malacologists, inc., etc.] http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/6170 V. 117(2003): http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/34895 Page(s): Page 99, Page 100, Page 101, Page 102, Page 103, Page 104, Page 105, Page 106, Page 1 07, Page 1 08, Page 1 09, Page 1 1 0, Page 111, Page 1 1 2, Page 1 1 3, Page 1 1 4, Page 1 1 5, Page 1 1 6, Page 1 1 7, Page 1 1 8, Page 1 1 9, Page 1 20 Contributed by: MBLWHOI Library Sponsored by: MBLWHOI Library Generated 7 February 2010 3:25 AM http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/pdf2/00221 1 200034895 This page intentionally left blank. THE WUTIMS I17i4):9i-J-120, 2003 Pa^e 9i Kaiclicrs Card Catalogue ofWorhJ-Widc SJiclls: A collation witli discussion of species named therein Gai"\ Hoscnbortr 1 he AcadcMiN of \atiinil Sciences m 1900 Benjaniiii FraiilNliii Parlx'wa) I'liilatlclphia, PA 19103 USA rosenl leniC^'ansn nrs! Richard E. Pt lit S()6 St. nharles (inail Noi-th Nhrtlr Bcacli, SC 29597 i.c'.petit(§Hvoildiiet.atLiitt USV ABSTRACT Kaic'lier's Canl Cafiifo^uc of Warld-W ulc Sliclls is a seiies of cards illusUatiiiii, gastropod mollusks. with one species l)einiJ; shown on rach carch More than 6300 cards inustratins: abont 5S60 species were issued in 60 "packs" betsveen 1973 and 1992. These cards are especialK iiripoitanl as main sliow tvpc spivimens. All packs and tht- ran^jje ol the cards inclndcd in each are collated, as are cluuif nn'ss- ing card nnuibers is clarincd: some were accidfutalK skipped, otliers were remo\ rd lt\ Kaicher l)ef()re publication. Nine species wen- inad\i'ii:t'ntl\ named \i\ the Card Cata- /e^/a"; all haw sht)i"t tlescriptinns and tluaetore are not nude nauK^s. T\p(* material for eifj;]it of these is detailed, with des- iL!;nation uf six lectot\pes. CiiIIiDstt'ina iinccuttn Kaichi-r, 1986, proliahK' is a s\iion\ni ol iUdhtinhomUa sitiuralh iPhilippi, 1S36) (Trochidae); Xtifica raru^arUi Kaiclier, 1981, becomes KotiKocldis lariolarui ^Naticidae), new combinalion; A/v/^ye^/ trnimacliii Kiiicher, U)S(). is A. (SVv/////r/ 1 srnVvM/'/:YY/ (Masai li to, Kurofla and Hahe, 1971' F,pitoniidae), new smiohmh: Hans- tnim icntrU-ihstim Kaiclier, 1980, is Dicallmis orltiln (Gmeliii, 1791) (Murieidae), new N>non\in: Irrrhni (hl'icdiidti Kaicher, UJSl, is T (dha ((^rav, 1834) (Terebridae), new sMionMii: Co- nus (dcxandrhius Kaicher, 1077 (Conidae) is the \ah(.l name for C. ititisit Ns Troxao, 1975, noii C. ntusiiitin Sowcrbv, 1833, and its replacement name, (.. tctrsi Tro\ao, 1978. new s\Tlon^nlS; Conns liiirojfinKidfus Kaiclier, 1077. is the \'alid name foj' C. tluUatns Kiener, 1843, non CiKullits ^uffdtus Hodini;, 1798 ui Conns), and its replatement name, (a)iins nci^i^iilhitus da \h»t- ta. 1901, new s\non>nis; Conns IoJ}it('nsis Kaicher, 1977, is C. fiisadnntitus Sowi'rb\, 1905. new s\nonvni. and Coiitts uc- <^roid('s Kaiclier 1077, is the \ahd name for C f'dhririnc Holau and Rfickel. 2000 new s\non\ni. \ first re\iser*s choice is m.ide for ihe spelliuii; ui EpiUminni tx/dsioiit'iisis C)/,aki, 1958, which is jud'^ed not to be a senior s\non\m iy\ .Kinaca schro- INTllODUCTIOX SalK Diana Kaiclier (1922-1999) was a [)i(jfes.sioiiaI il- lustrator and w liter who worked at xarious times at the Aeacleiiiv ol Natural Seieiiees in PlulaUelpbia (AXSP), tbe National Mnseuui ol Natural I liston' at the Smith- suuiaii Institution (USNM), and tbe laiited States I3e- paiimeut of Agriculture. Sbe authored or illustrated sev- eral popular works on natural Inston, includini^ Kaiclier (1956-1957), Reid (1967), Epple (1969) and Reid et al (2001), w'hieli is a revision of Reid (1967). Sbe autliored two scientific papers: Kaicher (1972) and Lxons and Kaieber (197S). She also illustrated and in some cases autbored alnait twentv' 35 mm film strips for classroom instiaietion, including one on mollusks (Kaieber, 196S). Germon and Laoiis (1999) published a biographical sketch giving details of her career as well as plujto- graphs. Petuch i 1980^ published biographical notes and Lamprell ,1999) and Rice (1999) published obituaries. In 1973 Kaicher l>egan publishing the Card Catalogue of Wo rid -W id e Shidls. Tlie Card Cattdoguc is a series of 3" X 5" (7.6 X 12,7 cm) ^lossv cards, eacli card ill us- trating a single species of gastropod mollusk with one or more bhick and wliite plioton the eaixls are t\pe specimens never beibre illustrated photographicalK. Kaicher plio- tographed man\" thousands oi specimens, some in her own collection, otliers Ijorrowfd Irom prixate and insti- tutional colhx'tions, and man\* dnrinii her traxels to nn- merous major museums, both in Auierica and abroad. Kaicher heqneLithed her collection oi Xassariidae to AXSP. Her famiK sul)se(iuentl\ donated to AXSP the remainder of licr shell collection, and her photographic negatives, notebooks, and corresiiondence. As often happens when t\pe material is illustrated or discnss(H[, some lectot\pe tlesignations w^ere inad\er- ti'utK matle in the Card Caiidonuc. In part because of this, Kabat (1996) petitioned the International Connnis- siou on Zoological Nomenclature to suppress the Card Catalogue for nomenclatnral pmposc^s. CloinuKMits on le petition b\ various worktM's wen^ published in Bid- Icliit i)f Zoological Xonuiiclaltirv 53: 273-277 and 54: 39-66. with the result that in Opinion 1905 (199S), the Con uu ission ruled that the Card iUiftdognc is nomen- clattu'alK* a\'ailal>1e. We note that the lom*th edition of t the Intcniatioual Code of 'Aooloiiical Sontcuclafurc cla- rifi(\s that lectot\i)(^ desimiations made b\ iulerence of a holol\p(* have standing onl\' if 'the original description nc*ither implies nor recjuires that there were s)iit\pes (Article 7 1.6). Thus in some cases in which KaicluM* hatl been thougtit to lia\e inadxcrtiMillx designated a k^cto- t\"pe, it will be found she did uot in laet do so. Because the Card Cafalogur is axailahle hn iiouieu- clatural puiposes, it is impoilani to have a cf>llation, so that citations cjf nomenclatural actions therein can l)e made accuratcK'. In cover notes tliat accompanied the packs, Kaicher corrected mistakes made in uu tube ring the cards and others errors, uiostl) in s[)elling or iden- tification. As r(^cipi(MJts did not uecessaiiK' retain these notes, W(^ have detailed tlieni in our collation. Tnclud(*d are all changes sufiiiested b\ Kaiehei* in eoxcr iiot(*s and » elsewhcM'e. We ha\(* not atte]U[)te(l \u review all iiomina or to lning the names up to dat(^ although we hav(^ uotcnl some necessan chauu,t*s. The Marginellidae s]>ecies treated hv Kaicher in Packs 1. 26, and 60 liaxe been extensivelv reviewed and brought u[) to date bv (!oo\ert (1999;. Coovert notes that 159 of 30S marginellid caitls illustrate tvpe specimens In llie Helerences ( ated vv(» give the full citation h)r each pack, takintj; into account missiTi^ ;md duiilieated numbers. i;i:stM:rs \'\l IDVTKO X AMI'S Niiu* manuscript names attributed to various authors ap- pear to have been inadverteutlv validated in the Card Catalogiic. In eacli case, Kaiclier seems to have taken the name Irom a label in a collection, and in each case she providcLl a short description. The lutcM'uational ('ode of Zoological Nomenclature HCZX, 1999) does ui/t [)re- scribe anv minimum length for a description, so tlicse are not male names as has been maintaint'd bv some authors, e.u;., Rolan and Piockel ;^2000), Holan and Uvall f2(K)0). Also, KaicluM- used tin* fV/n/ Catalogue to illus- trate species that she considered to be ViJid, therein fulfilling the reqninMiKmt of \C!/aS Article 1 1.5, that a name be usenl as valitl when propt^sed. In the context of the Card Cafaloiiue, Kaicher providt^d comparative il- lustrations of manv congeneric or confamilial species for each of the validated uiuiu's. Although Kiiicher was un- aware tliat she was the fii'st to valiillv introduce these names into the literature, ICZN Article 16.1 does not recjuire that names publislied l)efore 2()99 be explicitly intlicated as new. We therefore attribute authorship of tliesc nam(\s to Kaicher. We havi' located tvp(^ material foi" eight oi the nine names: six at the I'nited Stales National Museum, Smithsonian Institution (I'SNM) on August 16, 2000, on(* in the tvpe collection of TIil' Nat- ural llistoiA Museum, London (BMNIl,' and one at The Academv of N:itural Sei(Miees, Philadelphia \XSP). Callit'shniKi vinrentdv Kaielier, 19S6 ■ Figure 1. 9-11 . .\ttri- hiitetl to "I^uttelant" on Card 4614. ,SheIls of tins species havt' l)ccn sokl lor nuuiv V(\irs as "C'alliostuma ikrtaae _ ^ ml' Hutllant". hein^ listed, for exanij)lc. hv Rice T969, 2000), hut liad not hccn fonnallv puhlislied hetbre Kaicher's treatiiieiit. Di. Juan RutlLuit v liassets of" Melilki, Spanish \loroccf) Wits a nicniher of the Malacolouical Sucietv of Ponflon from 19 t7 until 1951 or 1952. liis name appcnuing in llie memhership list published in the Socictv's Vrocced- iu*is in 1U51 ivok 28, p. 258j, hut not in the one pnhlislatl in 195:1 (vol. 29, pp. 259 265). lie distril)nted specinirns Willi the mamiscript nanu^ C(illiosti>nui vieoilac, as nott d h\ Mieiiis {2002), wlujse rt\scarch shows that Hutllant did not puhlisli (in mollnsks. Rice ^2(»IHP spelK'tl tlu- name "vicenta", and Santos Calintlo .1977), where it is a rnuk' name, alliihnted it to "Rntliland." Tlif^ t\pe lot is AXSP 19SVJS9. v\hicli is laheknl as "Cal- liostoina viiiceiitae Rutllant. Melilla arrastre. J. I. C. Ojc- da' lii56 Spanish Morocco". The oritrinal lahel pv(*s the name as "Callirtstoma vici*ntae Rntllant". The lot contains [\\u .specimens; to fix the identitv of the name, we here (l(*siirnate the fi^^m-etl specimen as the l(*c"totvpe (Fij^nrc 1, 9 1 1), height 13.7 mm: the paraleetot\]ie is 13.0 mm in heiiiht. Two opercuki and crnnihlid dried animals arc also in the lot: hut it is not possihie to determine what is part of llie lectotvpe and what part ot the paraleetntype. .\kIioii. Cowis alcxfvidnint's Kdk\un- 1977. lectotxpr. USWI ^311. lu'i'Jit 23 fi mm. 7. Ct>iiits liticnfnmcfdfus Kaiclicr. 19«7. lectntxpe, I. SWI SOa36S, lioi-^lit 3S.1 mm S. Cintiis [(fhifcnsis Kaiclicr, 1977, lertntxpe, USNM SOfi33I, heii!;lit 19.0 mm. ^■^fib Page 102 THE XAl'Tll.rS, \ul. 117, No. 4 T\pe specimens of species named I)N Kaiehei. 9-11. Cdlliostoma vmccnfnr Kaiclier, UlSfS, lectolxpe, A\Sr lilSUSlJ, 12-14. \afira vahoUina Kaicher UlSl, lectoUpe, USNM 90579, licMahi 33.4 mm. 15-17. Aimica tvrarnarhU Figures 9-20. heiglit 13.7 mm. i--t-T. .-.r*.,... ,„,....<. ... .v....... .., .^ .j->.. .^ ^Mviiitni c oo ->-> Kaicher, 19S(), Icctulype, USXM GOTISS, heiglit 43.S mm. lS-20. Tnrbra drViraiuUi Kaielur. lUSl. holoUpe, l>M\ll IJl l.S.i-.L.o, 8.9 mm. (;. HostMiluTU and K. E. Petit, 200:3 Pae:o 103 the synniiMiiN of Xatica fane! Hcclii/, 1S44 {ex Adanson 1757, iion-hinoiniiiar in tho original dt^scription of that species. Ree\e (1855) and Ti')on (1SS6) HsUtl it as a syn- onym p, 13-14) stated that ". . . {Naticfi vanofarU}] has been nsed correctl) in its WVsl African context 1)) several anthors within tlie last twenty years, * but liaxe no references. Sim- iliuly, \erberckt (iyVJ5) said AbiMit t\vent\-fi\(' \'ears aiio, the name Katica variohnia Rechiz, 1844 was introduced as the \ahd name Un this species." Correspondence witli \erberekt (thronirli A. \erheck(^n, in e-mail to HEP, 30 Tannan 2000), failed to re\'eal a reference of this \intasje. Tlie only snch use we have foninl is i)\ Santos Galindo (1977), where Katica lariolana is a nude name. wSince the name was not nsed as vaHd before 1961. it cannot be at- tributed to lleclnz, wlierc it first appeared in s)non\niy (ICZi\ Article 11.6). Kaicher (19 provido a descrip- tion and illnstratinn. The tvpe It it, citetl by Kaither, is USNM 607188, with USNM ial)el "Amaea splendida de Boniv. Tosa, Shikoku, Japan UK) fms. ex. J. 11 \\ol)b. 1033. Ace. 200168" and original label "Amaea splrndida Bonn Tosa 100 fms. Ja- pan"; it contiiins a single specimon. Tht- name 'Wmnca tcramacJtii" does not appear on the label; Kaicher mav have iuferretl the name from the position in the US collection, whore the species is cnrrenlK filed under that name, attrilmled to Kuroda, 1952. Kaicher likely saw a second lot, also witls a single specimen, adjacent in tlie collection: USNM 605776, with USNM label Amaea ter- arnachi Kuroda. Tosa, Japan. 150 Irns 1348" and original lal)el "Amaea teramachi Kur, Tosa 150 fms. \ae) [sic] rare". To fix tlu^ identity of the name, we here designate Kaicher's figured specimen, I'SNM 607188, as lectotxpe (lieight 43.8 nnn); USNM 605776 is a parcdectot>pe (height 33.6 nnn). w^ Kaicher compared Antaca fcrfiniacJiii to Ainaca cerca Masiiliito, Kuroda and llabe, 1971, l)ut that species is cur- rently placed in ClafJirosrala whereas A. teranwchii be- longs in the suligonus Scaliiia Coru'ad, 1865, of wliieh four species are currently recognized from Japan ffligo et al., 19VJ9). It diflers from .A. (S. ) gazcoidrs Kuroda and llabe in llabe, 1961, in having a less elouLiate Iiodv whorl, from A. (S.) aaitliildona (Nhisahito. Kuroda and llabe, 1971) in being large, k-ss slentler and liaving more spiral cords per whorl; and from A. (S. ) splauliila Bonn; 1913) in having finer sculpture. It is most similar to A. (S.) sericogazca (Masahito, Ktu'oda and llabe, 1971), fVom whicli Weil et al. (1999) distinguish it as having "more numerous spiral cords of vanintT strengths". Their illustrations of these i% tit Species (figs. 242 and 362/, however, do not support this difference, ncjr does examination of eiglit adilitional spec- imens identrfied as A tcramachii (ANSP 189370, 234720. 243251, 243242). \\V therefore consider A. tcramacJiii to be a svnonvni u{ A scriconjuzca. Tsncliida (20(H)) svnonvmized A. scrictmazca with .A. oi/asioncnsis Ozaki, 1958, whieli was named as a Pliocene fossil. Examination of Ozaki 's illustration of the holotvpe shows that it has a channeled sntmc d(.4ined in a stronii spiral cord with the other cords uniforrub weaker. In A. serirngazca, the wiiorls are of unilorm strengtli near the suture, but stronger l»elow the ptMipherv; particularly on the spire, vvhieh givi-s the earlv whorls an angular profil(\ Aifiaca oi/asioncusis also tapers more rapidlv than does A. scncimizca: tlie wiilth of the anterior whorl of the holo- t}pe is about 3.8 mm; the comparable measurement in A sericntuizca of the .same hei'dit (18.5 nnni and munber of vvliorls (4,) woukl Ijc about 6.7 mm. ^^V tlierefore rejeit the .svTionvmv of .A. scrian^azca with A. oifasioncii.si.s. The heading of the origiiral description is Kpitcmiant (Borcoscala) Di/asionmsi.s (Ozaki, 1958, p. 1 12), Ijut th<' spelling "oi/asiocfisis" is used i^arlier on jr 142, in the plate caption fpl.l5. fig. 23), and in the index (p. 180). The name refers to the Ovasio [ov O)a.shio; Cnrient. rMtlier specific name is accept.ible nomendatnralK. If Ovasio is Paire 101 Tin- N M'ni.rs. \n\. 117. \o. 4 latini/pt], then an "n" is addi'd. tollowing tlir pattern of Latin \\or1s ending in "-io*' (e.g., dictUf, (lictionis)^ which yields "oyasioncu^siii"; if the word is not latinized, "-etms" is added direetK to tlie Japanese word, resniting in "oija- slocnsh". \\e select oi/risioncfis'is as the correct onginal spelling, judgini^ it hkel\ to he the hetter known hecause of its nse hv Tsnehida <2()lH)). r Ildustntm vcutricosuni Kait her, 19S0 (Fignre 4, 21-25;. Attri- bntcMl to Tat(^ on C^ard 2470, hnt not described In iiim: the name does nut appear in any i>i his papers on Anstra- lian marine or fossil mollnsks in the l)il)liograph\ 1>\ Blake (nj()2). The t\pe lot, cited l)y Kaicher, is USNM 301195; the LSXM label savs "Pnrpura vcntricusa Tate. G. of Spenser, Sonth Anstralia. Bednall": tlif* f)ngina1 label savs "PuiTinra ventiicosa, Tate G. of Spencer. Aus". The lot contains a single specimen, heiiiht 33.6 nnii, which is the holotspe. The opercnhnn is part of tlie lot (Fignre 24-25). The specimen is Dicaihais or]>ita (Gnielin, 1791], a com- mon and highly variable species in S(nithern Anstralia. Tliis idcMitihcation was snsicresh^d In l)r \\ itiston I" Pon- t»*^ der, who examined the holot)pe on 16 Angnst 2000. Terchra (Icluaiula Kaicher, 19S1 ''Fi<:inre 5, 18-20). Atttibnted to Preston tjn Card 2752. bnt Bifston tlid nut publish sncli a name; it is not listed bv Adam (1971 ) or Brateher and C'ernohorsk'\ M9S7). The hulot)pe is in the type collectiun at B.MXH, catalugne inmiber 191 f S. 22. 273 (cited b\ Kaicher^ the fvpe localify is Maitinifjne. We consider this name to be a jnnicji snbjecti\e s\no- nym of Tvrrhra aUni Grav, IS34. Grav's name was recog- nized ;is valitl In Brateher and Cernohursk•^• ( 1987); Kaieh- er appears tu be the first niudern author to haw ri'cog- nizetl tlir taxun as a good species, although she did not discfncM" the oldest name ffvr it. Contts alrxandntnts Kaicher, 1U77 (Fi^un* 6, 30-32). .\ttribnt- (*d to "Piiis-da Franca'* [s/cj on ('ard 1293. Coomans, Muulenbccl ami \\ ils (19S0) stated that name was found on dealers' lists but was not published In" Bae.s-thi Fratica. Then; Rolan ;md Ruckel (2000) and Fihiier (2001) consid- ered it a midr name intrudnced by Kaich<'r, but Kau ht-r does provide a l>hef description. KaicluM" did not cite an inslilntion or cataloiine nmiilien however, we found the figured specimen in USXM S06311. rlie LSNM label savs "('onus tevesi Tnnao, 1078. Caota Bav, Anaralectol\pe (Fi'irunt Stnverbv, 1833, G. alrxaiiJnnus Kaicher, 1977 to be the \alid name fur the species, and G. tvied Trovao, 197S to be a junior ob- jective s\iion\in. Edward J. Petuch ^pers. comni. to GR, 26 Jami.uy 2()(i0) confirms that the specimens of this and the three folhming species were in his personal colK ction wlien Kaicher photograplied tliem. Later he donated his collec- tion of Conidae tu USXM. Conits rmaojurnctatiis Kaicher, 1977 (Figiu'c 7, 26-29,. .\ttri- btited to Tro\'ao on Gard 1259. lint not published In Irini; it is not listed by Kohn et al. (1995V Apparentl) tliis is a dealers name; it is listed by Rice (1977). Kaicher did not cite an institution or catalomie nmnber. howe\er, we found the figured specimen in ISWl 336S. Tlie USNM label savs: "Goiius lineopunctatns Trovao, 1976, off Baia dos Flefantes, Anuula 1968. 20 m. Ace. 340072"; the original label, luuidwritten b) Ed Pe- tiich savs: "Conns lineopimctatus Trovao, 1976 (= guttatus Ki(Mier, 1849 nun Boeding, 1798), Trawk^l 20 m deptli off Baia dos Elefintes, Beiuruda, Angola — 1968^ — sand bol- tom". To fix tlie identitx of the name, we here cksii^nate the figured specimen, height 38.1 mm, as the lectot\iie (Figure 7, 27-29). A second specimen in the lot, height 34.7 mm, is a paralectot\pe ' Figure 26). This is a valid species; .s\iion\ms are Conn^ gtiftdtu'i Kit'uen 1S45, non Cnailhts ^^idlafus Rruling, 1798 'a G(J- n\ts^ and Conns ncognilnins da \Ioita, 19V>1, a replace- ment for kieners name. Rolan and Koekel (2000'* and Filiuer (2001) considered this a nude name bnt it had a brief description. The species that Rockel and Feniaiuk^s (1982) noted is "known to collectors as 'lincopunrfatns* " is a diffrreut (axon named Conns niicroptindatns Rockel and iM-rnandes, 2000. Conns lohilctisis Kaicher, 1977 (Fiiiure 8. 3'3— 38\ .Attributed to Pais-da Franca [sic] on Gard 1311, but slie did not publish the name; it is not listed b\ Kohn et al. ^1995/. .\pparentK this is a dealer's name, bnt not oflennl recentlv accordiuii tu luce (1999). Kaicher difl not cite an institution or catalonie number, however, we found tlie figured specimen in GSN.M 80633 L The I'SNM label savs: "Gonus ul)tnsii^ Kiener. 1849, Armado bav, Anirola, 1975, uud(M' rocks, low tide. .\cc. 340672"; the oriinn;il lal)el, liandwritttMi b\ Fd Ve- tueh savs: "Gonus ubiusus Kiener. 1849 Under rocks, low tide, AruKidu Bav, Mocamedes, Ane (Figure 8, 33-35,. 4'1k* localitv is tlms ,\rmadu Ba\; Aue expected Inuii the name, fliree other specimens in the t\'pe I* it, heights 18.7, 17 1, and 15.4 mm. are paralectotxpes 'Figure .36-38). Roh'in and Uoeki4 (2000! and I'llmer (2001' considered this a mule nanii*. but it liad a l)rief description. CA)nns lol}iti'nsis. lunvever appears to be a sviionvm ofG/j/jf/s/z/v- coIiiK (litis Sowerbv, 1905, as illnstratetl 1)\ Holan and R(">ek(4. G. Rosenberg and R. E. Petit, 2003 Page 105 F^ii^nrcs 21-29, T\pe spociiiuMis of species iiuuhmI |t\ Kaielicr. 2l-2.'5. Uanstnun KDtnrnsuni Kaichcr. U)SM. Iiolotxpo. US\M 3044VJ5, 33/^ iiDti. 21-25. OpiTLuliim ol liolotvpc ol Hdiislnun vciitria>siniL 26. C. luuitpundalns. pai"ali'ctut\pe, L'SNM S{.)636S, larjit 34.7 nun. 27-29. Ci)titts lin<'(}f)ttit('l(itiis Kaiclier, KjTT. Icrtntxpc L'SNM S063fiS, height 3S.1 mm. Paw lOfi 11IK NAIT!IA\S. \V)1. 117. Xo. 4 Figures 30-38, Type spfciiiK*ns of spt-cit's namcil In KujcIkt. :)0-3I. Cotius ahwunclritni^ Kaitlur. 1977, Icctotxjx.*, I'SXM 311, licit;lit 23.6 mm. 32. C. (ilcxafidniuts, paralcctotApe, USNM S()()3I L lici^^lit 24.1. 33-35. Coiitts htlnfnisis Kaiclier. 1977, lec-tohpf. LSN.M S(Ki331, liright 19.0 mm 3(>-3S. C.'lifhitnisis, para]cctol\p(>s. USWl S()f5.331, hoiglits IS.7, 17.1 15.1 mm rcsp('(*!i\T'ly. mi G. lujsenbere an J II. E. Petit, : Paiie 107 Ci))iii.s iii'^iiiulcs Kaiclic'i. U)T7. AUriltiilcM.1 In I'.iis-d.i l^^raiica [sic] oil ( "ard l'>13, hut .slif ditl iu)t puhlisii ihr uamt'; it is not list(Hl l>\ Knlin ct :il (19VJ5). Appar(MitI\ a tlfairr's name, Couiis ac^roidcs is attriliutrtl U* Kaielicr, H)77 l>y Rict' (1999). Tht' location ol tlii' t\po Tnatprial is nnknown: wt* wcro unal)lc to locate the fij^urcd specimen at USWh Thi- type I()caht\' is Am^ola, as listed h\ Kaither. Holan anil Hrk-kel ^201)0^ and I'ihner (2001 > considered this a nude iianu\ hut it had a lirief tlescription. Holan and R(k'kel i2000' listed it in the s\non\in\ o( their new sp(*cies ('onus ^ahriclfir. which is Uiereiore a jnnif)r siil)- iectivc s\rion\m of Comis nciinudcs. Im)!' completenoss, we note tliat Kaielier eoauthored one species pt]l)lislieil outside tlie Card Ca{ido\i\ic, Wex- dluHi (Piisi(i) cluckcli(iniciiru)n L\ons am! Kaieliei; 1978. Lii)toci)}ius hatrairnsis "Rartseh and Rcdider" is a nnde name introduced In Kaielier tl956, part 5, pi. 5, fii^. 6); it is a s\iion\'m o{ Coin is sufurfihts Reeve, 1844 aeeortl- iner 5 1 he earliest mailing record we have located for Pack 42 is Se[)teml>er 9, and that date is used herein. Cover Sin:FTs and Errata Slu\s (Siielts) Each pack was accompanied In a "coxer sheet," indicat- ed bv CS herein. These small sliei'ts wt're of xaiviiiu sizes til to 14 cm witle and 1 1 to 28 cm lonii) and were not designed (or peiananencv. Th(* top of each usuallv had information about plamied future packs and some- times listed changes to b(' made i>n cards in pre\ ions packs. The bottom was an order form for the next care! pack. Tn additiou tcj the cover sheet, some packs includ- ed an "errata sli]:>," listing cliannes to l)e madi- on cards alreadx issued, indicated bv FS JKM'eiu. These slips were of xaritjus sizes, sometimes inchidinii ouK a simile line of t\pe, and were oIniousK not intended lor retention after the changes had been matle. F{jr reference pur- poses we ha\'e assigned th(Mn numlxa's. All are assumed to lia\t' been issued witli tlie like-munbered eo\er slieets unless otheiwise stated but some miHit lia\e been sent witli subse(juent packs. The following sucli slips ha\(' been identified: KS5; stapled to (JS5 (Mitridae). ES23; undated ( F.pitoniidae). ES29: slip pasted to CS29, with hauilwritteu addition, possibK not to all copies. ES37: undated ichanges in ('olumljcllidae). ES4(): imdated, t\pewTitten (magnification of Condlio- jdida numsfuldi), ES 12a: undated slip with C'S42. ES42b: undated slip with CJS43 (wrapped around the replacement cards). ES49a: dated 10 da\'S after CS49 but scMit with it. ij( ); slii : pro ) pasted to CS49. )abl\* issued with ( 1S59. C()URi:(;ti(»\s and Ann(>t\iu)\s \W use the followimi conventions in the list of correc- tions and amiotatious: 1) Wliere species carols were not numl)ered, we assign . them numbers that were skipped within the same pack, if Kaicher liad not already done so. 2) ]n cases of reidentification. we add authors wlun'e Kaielier omitted them and inferred generic names in a few cases where Kaicher did not state them explic- itK' (e.g., 824); we lia\e gi\tMi \'ears onK if Kaicher ira\'e them, wiiieh she sometimes did tor recentlv named species. 3) For lieneric chaniies we state the coml)ination if the ending ol the tri\ial name or the use of parentheses cliauiied, e\'en if Kaicher omitted this information; otheiwise we cite onK the lienus. 4) Unik'i lining is changed to italics in t^uotations t)f Kaielier. 5) Eacli error tliat is corrected is attributed to a source, eitlier a coxcr sheet [CS#], an t^rrata slieet anotlier card [Card #], t)urselves [herein] or another published work. For bre\it\, common errors are as- signed the followinii nnm]>ers. to a\'oid rcM^etitixe ex- pkmations in the text. Note 1: Number was inad\erteutl> skipped (96, 145, 146, 369, 744, 1328, h526, 1542, 2009, 2178, 2303, 3214, 3239, 3289, 3346, 5259, 5437, 5660, 5661, 5842. 6038, 6070, and 6193); in some cases nnissisined to an unmuidtered card. In adtlition, Kaielier removc^l cards 345, 2275, 2687, 2990, 3013 (in some cases), 5047 and 5757 Indore release. Note 2: Number duplicated (745. 1310, 3137, 3288, 3770, 3776-3875, 5253, and 6IS9). Kaidirr noted some of these tliiplications in lier co\fr sheets, l)ut did !iot recommend solutions. When the duplicates are in separate packs, tlie oni' publislied Liter can have "[bisj" (Latin lor 'twice") added to its number to dis- tinguisli il if desire(k There was no ouler, alphalu'lic, tiLXoncjinic, or geographic, to the cards within a pack as issued, so lor dui)licate numbers witliin packs ft cannot be determined wliich was intended to bear the u umber. Note 3: Spi'cific name is iniss[)elled. Page 1<>S THE NAUTILUS, \'ol. 117, Xo. 4 Tabic 1. Dates ot publication of the Card Catalogue, with .subject and range of card numbers iachided in each pack. Most dates weru obtained from the co\er sheets issuctl with the card packs; "KR" in brackets after a date indicates that it was obtiiined from Kaichers records; "ES" means errata slieet. Pack Date of issue Subject Card numbers ran^e 1 2 3 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 "1.7 33 34 35 36 37 10 41 12 43 44 45 46 47 4S 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 5S 59 60 October, 1973 December 19. 1973 [ Febnian 15, 1974 May 26,' 1974 September 5, 1974 Oi/cember 14. 1974 March 28, 1975 AulimibrllKlae I CJoliimbrllidar I I Turridac^ T C^orallio[)hilHlac I Nassariili\idae l\* Turbincllidar I Tiochid.ir \ Buceinidaf^ W ()\ ulidae 1 .Muricitlac \ 1 M uTTinclluhu' 1 1 1 1-98 99-195 196-292 293-389 390-497 498-594 595-691 692-797 7^JS-90: 904 loio 1116 1222 1329 1 435 15 10 1647 1 753 1S59 >- 2072 2179 2285 2392 2498 2604 2710 292*2 3028 3131 3240 3: 3453 3559 3665 387(>- 1 1115 1221 1327 1434 1 540 1646 1752 1 S5S 1 964 2071 2177 2284 239 1 2497 2603 2709 28 1 5 2921 3027 3133 3238 oo4o 3664 3770 O 3 i O 3881 't' •7 *^ yjy 4094-1199 4200-4305 4306-4411 4412-4517 45 1 8-462:> 4621 1729 4730—4835 4836-4941 4942-5046 5048-5153 5258 r* ♦> r* ^ 5154 5260 DO 66-5471 5472 5 1 5792 58^ 5685 579 1 6004 6110 6003 6109 6215 H^P^^^^^ G. Rosenborg and R. E. Petit, 2003 Page 109 Ntite 4: Sponfic n;nne is a nonu and licnce inxariant. Note 5: Specific name is a gcniti\e and hence invariant. Note 6; Specific name is an adjecti\t^ in comparative form and hence varies vvitli ^endc^r of genns. Note 7: Gen{Mic name is misspelled. 146. Pack 1 — Margincllidae [and Cysliscidao 2S. Vnuiuvn rminjlnafinn: add "also occnrs in the Ca- ribhean" [CS2], 30. Prununi oliKhfinmc. not "i>I'a'(U'fon}iis" [Card 30/ 6192]. 39. Pntmnn ^ufffifiint: "nuiiies in size Irom b3-25 nnn.. not S mm" [CS2J. 47. Vohdriiui impiu: preoccupied name replaced 1)V llifctliud (lisrors (Roth) [Card 47/blOO]. Biillala ntfiUlnusi. not ^^nuitJwicsr [CS19]. Viylvanna fdiuilahra: sviionv ni of Iltjalina pallida (Linne) [Card 53/(>198]. no. VoJiaiiua nilwlla: specimen is V, ccssaci [('ard (M)/ 0195]; see Card ObS3. 96. 4 his number was skipped; Kaicher included, at least in some packs sold alter tlic original publi- cation date, a handwritten note al)out its absence. 97. Graaula iiijiiataca: chaniio iienus to Mcsonirti Ha [Card 97/0194]. 9S. Craiutla laiallccaua, not ^^1 aval era na^' [CS2. CS19]; specimen n^proMMits an undescrilx'd GiJ)- hcruJa species [Cards 61S9, 9S/0197]. 52. 53 . Pack 2 — Muricidae 99. Murcx pccicw. chanMi>;: reissiieil as Card lOS 6041 with revisetl text. 111. Mnrrx C()j)jan^in: reissued as Card I 1 1/6044 with minor changes to text. 114. Murcx hrcvispiua: changi' to M. hrci ispina I)rcv- Isp'nia [Cdvd 1 14 '6043]. 126. Murcx niac39. Ci)stcllaria pulcliclla: adult illustrated on C;n'd 284.V1532. Pu.sia hcnd( rsoui: change genus to Coslillaria [(::S15J; see Card 2S7A/i538. Vrxillitfu dcuuis()}n: "Delete iaijhuiautuu Sbv. from tlie sviionvniv .... Tin tvpe of iaiih>riauuui is a juvtMiile ol anotlier species" [ES5]. YAcrliaua Ui^ldcmarii. not ^Acifldcrniarii ^ [ES5, CS19]. Pack 4 — Milridac [and Coslellariidac] 040. 369. O — 3M). o8o. Not issued; removed l.)V Kaiclier [ES4 . Tins numl)er was skippetl; assign to trmnnnbered Pu\ia fttualfilc [sk\ (nualulis] [Note 1]. Cauc'dla acgra: specimen is C. p'ui (Dohrn) ;CS15]; see Cards 370 \T 533 and 1507. Sfrij^alcUa auricuhihics: specimen is S. a.ssiuiilis (Pease) [CS15]; see Cards 385A'1535 and 1438. Pack 5 — Sli'onibidae 422. .\dd this numlier to the card for Varkvsplni cr'is- pata [(LS6]. 434. Sh'tuuhus iiihhirulus pihhttsus, not '^iiihbiiiilis'^ [Note 3]. Slciuulms (libhcrulus iiihhcruhis. not ^^nihhcndis" [Note 3j. S(ro}ulfUs iiihlwrulus alhus. not '^nihhcrulis^' [Note 3J. Add this number to the card hir Lanthis (rmicafa 456 466. (CSOJ. Paffo 110 THE NAlTII.rS.. Vol. 117, \o. 4 5 IS. Pack 6 — Muriciclae Mttrcx uiconeh" [(^S13]. See Card 67S. Ten bra inonilc: preoccupied name replaeed 1)\ Terebra (inoija^rifinanb (!eniohorsk\ and BratcluM", 1976 [CS13].' 658 Pack S — Naticiclae 39. 726. Maticarius bniiuicobucrL not '7^/7//nK7)//n(7/v" [Note 4]. Tcrtonatica vlolacea: change com1)ination to AV/- Ilea violacca (Sow('d)N) [Cajtl 739.V3027 744. This numl)cr was skipped; see 745 helciw |\ole _ _ n. 745. Two cards have Uiis nuuiher, St/ficdriu.s ^nufi and Euspirri prdlida; one ol them shonid ha\e hetMi 744, l)ul it canncjl be delemiined whicli. 773. Tcrfoiiafica tcrfa: clianiie to T. frrfa form iicu\iana (Reeve) [CS30]; see C^ard 2955. 779. Etispira })uli('(iris: chani^e coniI)ination to Xafica puVwaris Flulippi; because ol white calcareous operculum with three ridi!;es [CS29]. 792. SitnDti tnitnis, not "???/;;f>/'" [Note 6]. Pack 9 — Milridac [and Costellaiiidae] 824. 832. 86 CosfcUarifi lafcrculala: s\nt\pes do not match t\pe illustration; us(^ iKune C. (uiflarcus (MeKill ' instead fCS12 Pjisiri ('})} iliac: specimen is E niicra (rilsl>r\) [CS15]; .see Cards 832A/1530 and 1514. CostcUaria radix: specimen is C. obcliscus (Reeve) iCS15]; see Cards S67 A 1531 and 24S. 8<3. Mitra Vunardi: cliangc^ to SL fcrnigbwa form Ucu- ardi [CS15j; see Card S73.V1537. /^//s7V/ catcnaia: better specimen illustrated on Card 900\/1528. Pack 10 — Xolutidac 904. Lt/ria karodai, not ^'kurodar" f\ot(* 3' Pack 11 — Conida(» 1058. Conns haraiiensis: "I now tend to airree with W'il liain Old lli;it lliis is a smiommii of C<)/i»v iiutscl I %% aniens 1 Ivvass ; see Card 1367 [CSU Pack 12 — Conidae 1122 1156. 1194. Conns seitnbis srilnlns: specimen is C. al^^oe aJi^oensis Sowerb)' [(JS14]. Cotms rincrcns: autlior is llwass [CS19 Conus kinDshifai, not '^kinosbifae'* [Note 3-. ?|.V7.V Pack 13 — Conidae 1248. 1257. 1259. 1261. l''*S2 1293. 1303. Conns zei/laniens, not ^^zelanieus^^ [CS19]. Conns sjihacelalns^ not "spbaeealatas" [C>S19]. Coiuis Inieopnnelalns, change authorship to Kaich- er \svv abcne]. C(>nns (ijanostonia. not '\'ija}H)stonnis'* [CS19]. Conns liU'iunfenens Blumcnbach, not "Blumen- back" [CSiy]. Cofuts alexa}ubinns: sp(^cimen is C. rnnsivns Tro- \*ao [CS14J; chani^e authorsliip of C alcxandrinns to Kaicher [see abo\e]: Paes-tla Kranea, not "Pais- da l"i*anca" [herein]. Cimns kinioki: authors an* Habe and Kosniie 1311. [CSl 1]. Conns h^bitensis: change authorship to Kaiclier; is Conns ftiscoVuieains Sowtnln [si^e above]; Paes-da Franea, not "Pais da I ranca" [CSl 4]. 1313. dnnis twiiroides: ehaniit* autlioisliip tu Kaicher se(^ abo\e [CS14|. P;ies-(la Fnmca, not "Pais da Fnuica" Pack 14 — CoDidac 1328. 1 Iiis number was skipped between Packs 13 antl 14 [CS15J. 1342. Conns r/r/vs/V/n/.v. not "r/r/.v.sY/r/?/^^" [CSl 9 Pack 15 — Milridac [and CusUdlariidae] ( 1526. Pnsia eroeafa, not '\v'oeatnitr [CS19]. This number was ski]>pcd; assign to unnunilxMvd Mitra rarbo)iarra [Note 1], Vi G. Rosenbcm and R. E. Petit, 2003 Pa 1:^0 1 1 1 Pack 16 — Muricidac 1540. 1542. 1500. Tliis mnnhrr was used in both Pack 15 i/^/s/V/ dl- l)(i(''ni(i(i) and Pack 16 [Bonu^tnypluyn ahiskduits) [CSP)J. This mniilicr was skinned [C>S10]. Specimen illustrated is not ikcnchva adntlahis [CS20], hut PhanUi (JorJibnitji (Pa\Taudeau, ] S2(|) [herein]; see Canls 1590.V2067 for Ochulnind aricjtlatfi and 4343 lor Fisania diyrhltnufi 1640. FAokcsid nifonofahi: Evifkcsia misspelled in text [herein J. Pack 17 — Cvniatiidae 1655. 1659. J 667. 1671. 1692. CS19 CijuiaiicUd i^dintardi: .s\iiou\in ol Sassid scxcos- fdfd (TattO [Card 1655/3337]. CdhesfdHd sf)('d?/r// //////" Cdlwsldiid (lalidnini: author is hiune [CS19]. Scptd dcgroid: this printed narue clianged to Rdd- dldfid dc^roid liv a self-adhesive label in packs uiaikHl at time of pul^hcation. In many packs is- sued sulxsequentlv this card did not receive the correcti\e label [Iierein]. ? M(>}Ud)Iex Uifddriits, not "//gju//7//H/" [Note 4]; probaM) a Scj}td [CS19]. RdUdldrid 'mffdrnitim, not nuttitrrtifF^ [XOte 4 Fusitritidi n't'u)lns: chaniie to F lud^clldnitiis re- 1699. 1702. 1703. 1 1 1 llL' to F. idd^illditicns 1707. 1708. 1717. fiolus [CS32]. 1706. Fii.sihiU)n dturrdi/i: chi iuurraijl [(1S32]. Midiitnlcx ikirfhcnopcdid jjdiihdiojhdni: change genus to CijnmtUnn [Card 1 707/3342]. Biplcx jjfcundd, not "jdciuidfr: magnification is X2, not XI [CS19]. Fusifrifidi cdnrcUdtus: SMK)U\in ot F. nidiicUddirds did^i-llduitiis (lUkling) [CS321. 1726. "Protoconeli dilferences sntiiiest C'dlusfdtdi klcid'i is a Scptd" [C^SIO]. 1731. Nrgyrind snhdistorfd: change genus to Sdssid [Card 17:^/3343]. 1732. Sdssfa scmifoiid: change to S. ndssdrifonuis scru- ifidid [Card 1732/332S]. GdttumUtVd llncdfdvn: chantre ^enus to Cinndfid))} 1744 [Ciird 1744/3341]. Pack IS — Fasciolariichie 1754. Fusiuds }cptorhij)irus, not ''Jcplorlujrcus'^ nor ^^If'pfoliijrucds" as in CS 16 [Note 3|. Ldtinis ddipJustn\ not "(nnpldsiris" [Note 4]. (Innudifdsus nifidaddfds, not ^^nifidodis" [('S46 (jrdNdlifdsds sdhol)lifds: cliange to G. }tipj)(i}ii(Us sdlh>hlifds [( ;S46]. Ldtinis diddidinrricdud.s, not "nu difidnwric/inds" 1757, 1766. 176S. 1787 179S. ihno. 1815 1790. Ijitinis l)dirst(Hci: change comhination to Doli- rJtoJdtints hdirstoni ^.Sowerbv ) [CS46]. * Fusiidts dU>uius\ see s\nt\pe on Card 1798/4721. Ihflif lu>Idfints crni'sti: cliauiie combination to Tdf- dJdlints cnu'sti vMcKill) [ESIS]. FdsidJis di'j^rirosfrdfns: sNiionvni of F. tdhcrosus i^Rcex'e) [CS46]. 1S20. Fdsinus sdudi Iclicdsls, rrot ^'sdiuhL'icliiiisis*': see Iectot\p(^ on Card 1820/4728. Tlie naiue was spelled biiiiini macroiii [Note 4 . 232vS. Add this nninher to nnmnnhered eard for f'irst)- Irciiui I lid np ltd fES23]. 2332. Add diis nnniher to inniniiilK^red card (or I'.pihvi- luin ^('niciihilmii [ES23]. Epiiouiuni inellus, not ^^tnclior' [Note 6j. 2333. 2342. 2350. 235 S. E]}Ui)i\'unn tttilli'coshihufi. nol "////7/er(^.s7/////" [Note 3]. EpUiiuUnu nivccostiL no! "nirraisitmr [Nolo 4|. Aiiiara icnnitdclii'L eh.mgt^ autlioiship to KaiLhtM*; \s Aniaca srhrnnazca \lasa!iito, Knrodaand Mahe [si-e al )( )\ e ]. Pack 24 — Tliaididac 2457. 1- T » O 244S. Axuinrmioruld ifUifira, not *V\~/n//(»r///a" fNot(* 7]. Mifrula iostoitiu.s, nol '^ioslomtr [Note 4j. Ihuistrinn vcnfrirosu)}}. ehange anlliorship to Kaieher, is Dicfifliais tdhila Cnnlin [see ahovo]. 24S4. Mornht nciiutntlifiia i I'ease): No sneli name was intro(lne{Hl l>\ l*ease. Ilio specimen iltnslrafod is eonspi'eific widi lltiintut nu^u'difi'm Pease, 1S(^0, whieh is a sMion\'m of Mornla ccliiaald M^^ne, 1S46) aeeoiding to Cornohorskv n079V Thi'rt*- fore, we consider "f^nunuilijt'ra" to he a lapsns frtr 'Inanilifi'tyr. The altornatixc is tliat. heeansc du» card contains a description, Kaieher had inad\(;r- tentk \'alidatcd a man»iscrip( name ol Pease hasrd on a specimen label in a collection. We icject lliis possibility beeanse Kaieher cit(*d llwcc local inns indicating the geograpliic lange of the species: "Sanioa-Taliiti-1 hiwaii". If slie had \alidat(d a mannscript name, in all likeliliood slie would liave cited onI\' a simile localifv*. Pack 25 — Miirieiclae 2507. 2542. 2562. 2568. 25 Bi}rcotroj}lt(fn ccjJtilfL not "nnmliis" 'Note 4]. Evokcsia pauclmaculata, not ^duoksicr [Note 7J, PteronjUs I u/ mat us, not ^'Ffcrofilis" [Note 7]. Risoinurcx idosia, not ^^iodsia" [Nt>te 3]. Slnnnoiiitrctjdvnt l^^^^'^'- posedly from Intlian Ocean (Smida Strait)." , I'his correction erroneonslx r("ferred to Card 2709 on CS26) [C:S2S Ghdu'Ua rcdvcdud^ not "reeridud" [CS26]. \()lidi1nd idjscurd: s[K'cimen is misidentified and !na\ represent ;m undescribcnl species [Card 26S6/6 191 Nt»l issned; rcano\ed b\ KaiehcM" [("S26 Se(* 2662 abo\e. 2676 2686 2687 2709 l*ack 27 — Terel)ridae 2752. Tcnhrd dclicdhdd: cliange authorship to Kaieher; is Tcri'hrd dihd C»ra\ [see abo\(d. 27HS. rfin ifcichra scpdVdudd: eliange famiK to C^oh nmbellidae [Card 2768/4247 1. " 2797. PdrvUcnhni llup'dcd MeKilk nol llujrsddd Mel- vin*" [herein]; change famiK to Coluni1)t.Hitlae Card 2797/424S]. Pack 28 — Halujlidac 2823. 1 1 (dial is oriud: specimen is //. ctjclohdtcs Peron [v/r; Perord [CS29]. herein . 28 i I . Ihdiofis (lit {'rsicolon nnsprinted as 2977 l^ick 29 — Xaficiclac 2922 2938. 2955 2958. 2959. Sdficdrius liiU'ozoud not "Jini'i)Zi>uus" [Note 4j. Adidunu)s}s uuyrrchi, not "//?<'rf7///" [herein]; spe- cies transferred (o Epitoniidae, as Prohliford diocrchi, \)\ Wilson . 1993). Tccfoudticd frrta: sp(*cimen malehes the neotxpe CS30k see Card 773. Ncvcrifd I isfitd. not ^^rasfita" [Note 3], Etttidlicind iluxloclicihr not "rhixIocJicilus" [Note k G. Rosenberg and R. E. Petit, 2003 Page 113 o 961. Xatica vanohnia: chan2;e autliorship to Kaiclier; is a Xi)tocochlis [see above]. Amauropsis globulus: species transferred to Epi- toniidae, as ProhUtora idohula, bv W ilson (1993). Not issued; removed b\ Kaicher [ES29]. 3013. Natica iusuhnKDi: A postcard postmarked Octo- ber 26, 19S1 asked that this card be destnned as the illustrated specimen was misidentified; how- ever, the card was removed from some packs l)e- fore the\" were shipped [ES29]. Natica insula nnti is correctly shown on Card 299S. Paclv 30 — Epitoniidae 3049. Epiliuiiufu acaullioplcura, not **ac(in [Note 3, 4]. 3062. 3070. thoplc rum *» Epltou'uun christi/i, viui ^\'ltnfsfiii'^ [Note 3]. Ep}t(^uiuui plafi/plcura, not "phitijph'uniu]" [Note 41. 3103. Epiti')iiuui lalu^K not ^'lal^mnr [Note 3]. Pack 3 T — Nassari i Jat Pack co\er caril. Xassaiius rouscusus is not sinistral; negatixi' accidentalK ''flopped" [CS31J. 3137. Two cards lia\e this mmibcr, Xassarius hnDUJCOS- fi)nu{s [sic, hruuni'Osti)ina} and \. stiiatus [Note 3184. Xassarius lufcostouuL nut '^lutcosfontus [Note 4]. 3214. This mmilier was skipped [CS31J. Pack 32 — Cvniatiidae and Hiirsidae 3239. This numlter was skippetl between Packs 31 and 32 [Note I J. 32SS. Two eards ha\e this number. Bursa ^nynnilaris cuiuiniiiaua and Arii()l}ucciuuut pri)dUor\ uwv slintild liave been 32S9, but it eannol be deter- niined which [Nott^ 2J. 3289. Tliis number was skipped [Note 1]; see 32S8 above. Pack 33 — Oli\ idae 3346, This nunil)er was skipped l)et\\een Packs 32 anil 33 [Note 1]. 3412. Anuihia }n)ia('zcl(nt(li(ir form Jjiador Amfas: .\[i- Uas did not introduce the name lui^Cflor: it is a iiiisspelliuu; and misiilnilifiealion o[ iricoUw Ci*a\, In Sut(*r 1904 accordin^j; to Olson M956\ O hn lists tl the ^ .r n. WHO lists the iKiine in iiii- smioiimiin di ndnispna uovaczclatuliac. The illustrated specinuMi is also misloealized; the species is rudemic to New Zea- land [lie rein]. Pack 34 — Nassaritdae 3458. Xassarius unisfcliuus: "the spcrinu'ii illustrated, lower ri^lit, is the holot\pe (USNM 24200)" [CS34]. ' 3482. 3525. 3536. Xassarius ahijssicola, not **abyssicohis'' [Note 4]. Xassarius ciucidlus: "the 'life-size' illustration is actuall)' about t\\1ce life size" [CS34]. Xassarius lepfospira, not ''Icptospinis" [Note 4]. Pack 35 — Epitoniidae 3570. Epitouium cchiuafocosfa, not "echiuaficostmn' [Note 4]. 361 S. Epitouium scririfila, not '\sencifihnn" [Note 4]. 3626. Epitouium caUipcpIuui, not "calijH'pIuur [Note 3]. 3637. Epitouiuui foUaceicosfa. not ^^foJiaceicostuux'^ [Note 4]. 3640. Epitouiuin turrifrllula. not ^^turritrJIulunr [Note 4]. 3653. Epit(uuu}}t haI)i/Ionia, not "hfihulnuitim'' [Note 4 Pack 36 — Cassidae and Oocoi-xihidae [and Ilarpidae] 3730. M(uvnu sj).: is Mi)ruui uiu(uuii/ai Emerson, 1986 T» t ■■' 3779. Pack 37 — Columbellidac 3770. This numl)er was used in both Pack 36 [EcJiinO' plioria raruosa) and Pack 37 [Auacliis dcci})\(hi\- Uita) [Note 2]. 377S. Auacliis uisifclla: habitat previously nnkntmii; matches shell illustrated as AimcJiis cafcuata from Puerto Rico in Caril>bean Seashells by Wcunnkc* and Abbott (1961) [( ;S44]. Cosioauacliis flucfuafa, change gt'nus ttj Auacliis [FS37b]. Fsiiulauarliis l)a.sc(Ii)u i^ not ^^Pscudixniachis'' [Note 7 3812. Mil n Ha liirsccus: mav l)e a Euplica [ES37a 3822. Coluuilx'lla fuiiunua: chaniie combination to rji- jfJica turUiriua iLauuirek) [ES37a]. 3825. CtiJuuiIiclla rana)is: chaniie combination to Eu- plica r a riff us (Sovverbv) [ES37a]. 3863. Coluuil)i'lla scripfa: chanLi;e combination to Eupli- ca scripta (Eainarck) [ESo7a 3 781 Pack 3S — ( oliunbellidae 3776-3875: Tluvsc* numbers were used in both Pack 37 and Paek 38 [(:S39, Note* 2]. X( xli )cli ila j ) ascu a (II ( • li: 1 ( • i n ) . Mil re Iff I (Icuticulafa (Duelos). /\ uacli is CO i u:( 'II t if a {( » ask o in). Asffpis pcrlucidfi Dall. Milrclla dcusilincata (Carpenter). Auacliis cauccllata anct, fuui (taskoin. 3776. 3 i t t . 3 1 < 8. 3779. 3780. 3 1 8 1 . 3784. Milrclla daiicvillci (KuuilsenX Auacliis Vv^lilfooti (E. A. Smiths Asli/ris vidua Dall. Milrclla luclvilli ilCnudsen). > Fane 1 1 4 'nil: XAITILUS, Vol 117. Nu. i 3786. O i <^ I . 3789, 3790. Coluinbclla aisltnica SowciIjv. I Cosmioamrha tiifrns (C. B. Atlams). Anacliis aflclinac (TiAt)n). Anncliis bcniji Sliasky. Andchis cnwr^ctts 1 FiscluM'-Picttc and Xic kirs). 3791. :\ii(ichis cnicniois \ar. 3792. 3793. 3791. 3796. 379s. 3799. 380 1 . •-/V 3803. 3804. o. i . 3S09. 3810. 3811. 3812. MUnllfi rcnlensis 1 Kiiiitlscn). Anacliis (ilnniuniarUi (So\\c'rl)\'V. AiirirhiM consanntinra (Sowcrhx'). Milrclla ptnvuUi (Dimkci). Colunilit 11(1 paf/fdisls I.(\ss()n. Mifrclla Htindori'nsis (Reeve). Anachis 11. A. SniitliL Miti'clla shci)sfoncnsis 'E. A. Smith). Anarhis ohcsa ((]. B. \danis). Xassai'ina hashiac (Dallj. \niphissa rcficniafa Dall. Euplica bidcnfafa (Menke). Asf }j ris aniiaat is Dall. Zafnaia nchalosa (Could). Mifrclla sancfacJiclcnac E. A. Smith. Acsopus chrtfsaloidca ((>arpet)tei Acsopus hilani (Iln.lle\), not 'hilinnr [Note 3]. Acsopus cassaudra ( H t h l!(*v) • Mifnlla i/orkcnsis (Crosse). \a ss a ri na p Icxa ( 1 1 ch 1 1 e \ ' . Acsdpus pall id id as vliedlev). Mifrclla russclli i Brazier). Anacliis kraassii ' Sowerbv). Zafra diiaricafa (Vilslny). /jifra alfcrnafa ((^ould). Yj'fikia *^cniinuIosa (C. B. A(LunsV Acsopus sfcarnsii (Tj^ou ;. Zairona coiisohrina Pulider. ? Yjifrona rcliaria fTomlin), not 3 Anachis hurnupi (E. A. Smith Rufliia niazaflanica Sliaskx. rcfianf Note \ o t> Mifrclla hailciji l^ai4seh and Hehder. A I i acli is jus idi 11 s Dall 3873. Acsopus jfijjoitiins (ft)uld. 3874. Anachis met a (4lii(4e) 3875. Paranictaria naicrostoma (Reeve). Pack 39 — Tiirridae 3892. Cochlcspira radiafa: speeinuMi is not USNM 421774 hut pnjhahly ANSP 300563; see Card 3907 [licM'eiu 3907. CiH'hlcsnira clcaans: eatalouue number 421774 visible on shell is a I S\M, not an ANSP, number, .se(" Card 3892 [hen^n . 3939. A^^athofi^nia cast el lata, not \'ostclhita*^ [Note 3], Pack 40 — C^>ral1io|)Iiiliclac 1. 1080. '^Condliiiphihr ki)chiana: change combination tt) Liitaxicna kochianax chan^c^ famlK to .Murieidae [Card 100 1/6054]. Sec* also Buccinidae 4004, be- low. "Coralliojihila" niausficldi: magnifications an* **X2 and X4" |k:SIO|. Pack I 1 — Nassariidac 4103. Kassarius siuaruac not **sinaras'' [Note* 5]. 4 1 17, Bullia indasica, not "indusindica" ^Note 3 C. Rosonbero; and R. E, l\-tit, 2003 Paiic 1 15 414S. Cijllcnc tini}}ui(iil(if(i, not '^miUnanjIafa" [ES41]. 4185. Bullid otrihcitctisis, not ''oiJuiiitciisls'' [ES41 . Pack Hi — Fasciolariidae Pack 42 — Coluinhcllkhu* 4205. Aeso])fis sj)inil(i. not "\i)/r;///n//" [Nott' 4]. 421 0. Pi/iviw o^ifisdiiannid: rmioxfil li'oni Pack 42, rc- printotl and shipped witli I^ack 43 [KS42a]. 27GS/4247. PanUinhni scjidrtnuhi, not "\r/^f//Yf//<(^/" Note 3]; anthor is Tfindin, not MeKill [liorein]. 2797/42 IS. Panifcri'hra ilujnira MeKill. not "Oiijisdi'd Mcl\ in" [\()te 3]. MifrclJd jihijinur. ivrnoxetl (roni Pack 42. reprint- ed and shipped with Paek 43 [ES42aJ. Other canls that were reprinted, hut not first rtMnoM^d are 4211-4216, 4218-1220, 4225, 4273, 4276, 4292, 4294, 4296, 4299, 4304, 4305. 429 Pack 43 — Buccinidae 4004 Ndssdha pitsilld torni Jdcvii)!] inisprint for 4404 [luMvinj. 4310. Bdbylonld cdndllcnhiid: change to B. spirdtd vdl- (niddiid iSwainson) [(>ai*d 4935/4310]. 4339. XcfJliuwa ddt'ujdd: spec! men is xV. di'spccta dcs- jx'dd ( Linne) 4343. Pisdiiid Ji)rbii^diii Pa\raudean: not "Payraudeau" [herein]. 4345. Bnccinuin I('UCi>s(ouid, not *^h'iicu.s(i)dninr [Note 4]. BncciiinJtun lined Ihica. not 'lincuni^^ [Note 4]. /'//()/> cijanostiymd, not "cydniisfoiuus^' [Nott^ 4]. Cddtltdi'us nu'Jddosfonid^ not '^ nwhnistinmis^^ [Note 4]. 4383. CadtJidnis cnjthrostoiJitL not '^cnjihrostouius^' [Note 4]. 4397. ^XUnitliants" dcdiatus: ehaniie eoml>i nation to Eosipho (liuldliis (Seliepnian) [Card 4911/4397]. 4404. See 4004. 4369. Pack 4 I — Hiiccinicku 441 1 * 4440. 4460. 4470. 4513. Mrffild rllcna: magnifications X2 and X4, not XI and X2 [Card 4936/44 17J. Pitllid pdsi'uKicd, not ^'pasHnaccd" [Note 3J. Cliripollin puJcJira: change genus to Euffua [CJard 4460/5833]. Scarlcsid dira, not "Srarlsid" [Note 7]. CdiitJidrn.s dUfozondUis: antlior is Kosnge, not "Kosnge and Hahe" [herein]; preoccupied name replaced h\ C. Icucofdcdiddi.s K.osnge, 1985 [Card 4513/5835]. Pack 45 — Trocliidac 4526. 4614. Cldiiculus IjcrtliclotlL not ^'bcrtluh iT [Note 3]. Ccdliosioiud viiircufac, change authorship to Kaicher; prol)able s\non\'ni oiCtdlNnihDncIld sit- tfiralis Philippi [see abo\'e]. 4629. 4651. 4655. Lddrn.s rh(}di}sti)md. not "/7/e(/(>.s7(^/n//,s" |Nole 4]. Ldfints rroci'us, not "f^rncdtits" [Note 3 . MicnH'i^lus f'ntcohicusis: M. duukcri mentionetl in 4665. 4671. text is Card 4720. not 4719 [herein . Ldfirnn siii^uhnis, not "e//ig///r/r/s" [Note 3], Ldtirus clrn('nsis. not "/>t7(^y;<>/n/e.s/r/s'" [Note 3]. 4787. Ncrifd hinuddira: author is Troscliel, 1878, not Hecluz [herein]. 4824. Ncrifidd vcsjuTlind: ehaugi" genus to Cliipci>liin}, to agree with placi*ment of C. tdliilcusis (C^ard 4756), with which it is conipannl [licTein]. 4 / 79 Pack 4S — Buccinidae 4851. Mihtid sp.: is M. dfricdud Bonchet, 1988 [C^aid 4851/5888]. Cddlltdnts IfUCDZidtuni, not ^^Icucozonns^^ [Note Pisfniid hcrnndiniscni. not "hrnnddsoii [NoteSj; A. Adams (1855) spelled the name ^licnudn- rrvr?//", stating *'\\'e have named it after M. Her- maiinsen. who has conti'ibuted so materialK to- wards the luitnral histon" ol the Mollusca, b\ liis ^ Ji I* 3, Pafije 116 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 117, Xo. 4 XiJuable work on Ribliocrrapln' and S\iion\'nis'*. M. * mm Because it is clear that Adams* intention was to nanit* the species lor A. X. Ilerrmannsen, author of Jndicls Genenn)! Malacozoonuu Phmordia vlS46-lS521, the spelling must be corrected to *'hernnannsenr under TCZX Article 32.5.1. Rurnumn kiuiikafsiim, not "kini)kafsji(ie'' [Xote 3]. Prodotia iostoma: change name to Prodotia sp. "A" [Card 4900,3S31], wrong protoconcli illus- trated; see ( 'ards 5826 and 5S46 for P. iostoma and 5S5S for P. cf. P. iostoma. Pack 49 — Oli^idae Oliiclld fi)rmioacorsii, vmt ^^firmfofioorsi" [Xote 3; nametl for Dr. A. Foi-niica Corsi . - - - J - 5034, Olivclla 5716. Ilossitcrid nucleus, not "/h/(7(Y/" [Xote 4l. 5721. *\Mi}n^lia" lioldsu'i)r{ltana: autliorship is Xexill and Xe\ill. not "Xcxill" [htMCMu]. 5757. Xot issued: remo\(*d b\ Kaicher [('S56], 5791, 5053. CduthdridcUd fcssclldfd. not '^tesscldid'' [Xote 3J. Pack 57 — Buccinidac* 5819. ~ C '"^ '"^ ■Jo. >. ■) . 5795. Crassicanthams no)j^olkcnsis: size is about 10 nun, not "40^ mni [lionMu]. Scdrlcsid fuscolalndtd, not "Scarlsicr [Xote 7]. Euilitid p\dchrd\ note catalog mimbcM" is 1966608 not 196608 on orii!;inal card 1160} [lierein]. 5842, rliis number was skipp(*d: assign to unnumlx'red Coluhrarid tortuosa [.Xt)te 11. dyluhraria hdijcri: transfcMnxl to Trifonol}dq)a (Caneellariidae be 1 1 irast'xwch. Petit and Ver- hecken (1992). o Pack 58 — ()^u!idat 5914. Cijplioma si*^ndtum\ museum uumlier is l\SX\l 599386 [IvS5S]. 5920. Galcra dcuitima: change therms to Gidcravoha ES58]. 5926. P.scudoc{jpraca cxijuisita: in text di.scussion, change P. addmsi to P. adamsouii [1\S5S]. Spictdafa hdrharcnsis: change "Dall" to "(i^^iH) * KS5S 5913 G. Rosenberg and R. E. Petit, 2003 Page 117 5944. Phenacovoha bcDiscJii: museum number is USXM 429178 [ES5S 595 1 . 14. 5965. Xaiularoiula f(>nuosa}}a\ change "Azuma" to "(Azu- ma)" [ES5S]. 5955, Phenacovolva IocI)heckean(i: museum numlier is USXM 219894 [ES5S]. Phmoiuld ntthcifordiana Gate, not "(Gate)" [ES5S]. HaJjuprionoioha c^ioshlensis, xmA "Uahuipriono- tolva" [ES5.S]. Phenacovolva icakaiianuioisis: speciiiiLii is P. ijosJi- ioi (Azuma and Catej [CS59]. 5970. PJunacomlva clcncJii: nniseum number is USXM 2S261S [ES58]. 5971. Hiatavoha dcpressa, not "Iliatovolva" [ES58 . Cijplioma mcf^infiii not "niacginfyr [ES58 . Crcuavolva scrntla: museum number is USNM 1^ ( >j . 5986. D»(^^. J>J^^». 735736 [ES58]. Pscudiisimuia sjihivii: specimen fijjjured is tbe 1k>- l(jt\pe [ES5SJ. Crcnavolva '\sfnatiila^' fiucfiira: nniseum mmiber is AMS C,6i()70 [ES58;. Siohlcnviia finnikofK*: change "A/uma and Gate" ti) "(Azuma and ('ate)" [ES58 . 5999. Siniulaloia uniolicata: museum number is USXM 590065 [ES58]. 6000. Lficrinia simuJaus: museum number is USXM 284921 [ES58]. 59^)2 Pack 59 — Mil Heidi 6007. 6004-6052: Mairnification, omitted from man\' Manx .V..Y. caids, is XI [GS59]. (?) Ptjflintirjrfcnjs aliciac, not "J^y'^}}iaca}>fi'njs". Uruiumbercd Polncha kopiia crrcjueousK as- signed to this ninn1)er on GS59; on some copies of (JS59, Kaicli(^r crossed out 6007 and wrote in 6016. 6017. Xote 7], 6038. 6038, which see. Poiricria jir'nnaJiova, not "P()/r/r/Y/" Pijilinacjitcnjs (i(hnsis, not '^Pifiifuat'aptcnj.H^ [Xote 7].' This numl)er was skipped; assign lo nnnnnil)er(xl Poiricria kopiia [Xote Ij: scv 6007 al>o\e. Pipniuu'jifcnfs ricliffrdhiiiiihdini, not ^^Pi/^inacap- tcnjs" [Xott/ 7J. This nnnil>er was skipped: assi'j;n to umnnnbered Risoninrcx icitlironi [GS59J. 6096. Ti/pliis occInsiiSy not "err/////s7/.s" [Xote 3], 6098 6070. Pack 60 — Mai'Lliiiellidae [and Cvsliscidae] 6]{)S 6111. 6130. Ilinntdocantlia dovpclcdi, not ^llontatacaullut" ^Xote 7 Cfniafispira aftotfia. not ^^(Unialspinr [Xotc^ 7]. Dcnliman^o sntiihii: musenm nmnljcr is MG/ 207389, switched with ( -ard 6171 (see below) [liereiu]. 61 11. ? Prunuui pyrulinrc change germs to ? Pcrsicula S60 6189. 6193. 6204. 219511, switched \\ith Gard 6 130 (see above); Goo\cit (1999) erroneously changed the ending to agree with Dcntinian^o [Xote 4]. Canalispira rcpllcata, not '^Canahpira'^ [Xote 7]. Two cards ha\*e this number: GihJjcnda laval- Jccana of authors and Yolvarina pcnicri [Xote 2]. This number was skipped [Xote 1]. Canalispira )niui)r, not ^' Canals j)ira** [Xote 4] AGKXOWLEDGMEXTS We wish to tliank \\'illiam G. L\ons (Bilb and liis wife Garol for the mam* hours tliey spent soitincr and con- seniug material relevant to the production ot tlie Kaich- er cards. Bill pro\ided a detailed re\iew of the manu- script, as did Alan R. Kabat. Edward J. Petuch put us on the track of unrecognized t\pe mat*, rial ol Conns spe- cies in the USXM mollusk collection. M. G. Harasc*wAcli allowed us access to that colk^ction and Paul GrLenliall pro\idr(l information about changes in its organization. Katliie WuN" loaned m(http:7 enit().acnatsci.oru;/conchnet/kaiclier.t\t). PaS-199S. Baekhuvs. l/M'dcn. ])p. Gerrnon, R. N. and W. Ci. Evons. 1999. Sallv Diana Kaieht^-. Fel)niar\- 19. 1922-Mareh 29, 1999. Ain(Miean Conehol- oiikst 27(2^: 20 21. lla]>e, T. 1961. (itilonrcd Illustrations of the Sliells ol Japan (II). Iloiknslia. Osaka. i\ + [-3] f 1S3 pp., 66 pis. llansliin Shell Cdub. 19S6. Biblio^rai)h\ ol Or Tokubei Knicjda (for conniHMnoration of his 99th biithdav). Nishi!iorni\a, # ^ 103 pp., 33 pis. HarasewAch, M. C, R. E. Petit and .\. \t ilieeken 1992. Two new species of ( 'ancpllariidae (Oastropoda: Neogastropo- da' from Brazil. The Nantihis 106: 13-49. Higo, S. 1973. \ Catalogni' of Mollnseaii Fanna of tlic |apa- iiesc Islands and the Adjacent Anni. S. Higo, iKahaya], ;4] + 58 + 397 + 61 pp. Higo, S.y P. Callonion and V. (a)to. 1999. Catalogue ans(^s. Bulletin of Zoological Xnniein lature 55: 191 193. InteriKitional C>onnnission on /ooloiiical Nomenclature. 1999. International (>ode of /ooloi^ieal Nomenclature. 4lh edi- (ion. International 1 rnst for Zoolo^iieal Nomiuclatnre, London, xxix + 306 pp. Kabat, A. R. 1996. Ca^e 2964. S. I). Kaiela i ( 1973-1992\ Caid Catalogue ol Work! \\ ide Shells: pro[)osed snppn'ssion lor nornf^nclatnral purposes. Bulletin of Zoological Nomen- clature 53: 96-9S. Kahat. A. R., Y. Finet and K. Wav. 1997. (^atalonie of tlie Naticidae (Molhisca: Gastropoda^ descril)etl In C A. Re- cluz, including the location of the t\i)e speeimeus. Apex 12: 15 26. Kaieher, S. D. 1956 1957. I ndo Pacific Sea Si u lis: A iinide to I "• connnon marine snails Irom East .\lricato Polvnesia. Pub lished bv the author sections 1 5. 1956, Wasliin-iton, sec- tions 6-7, 1957, Cleanvater, Fkaida. [Section 1:] lomia- cea. [15] pp.: [Section 2:| Naticacea. (Apraeaeea, 1 15| pp.; (Section 3:1 Eittorinacea, Ceritliiiicea, Pxramidcllacca, Strontbacea. etc., ^191 [>j>.; Section 4: PlcMn'otomariacea, Patillacea, Trochacea, [16] pp.; Section 5: Toxo^Iossa. [231 pp.; Section 6: X'olutacea, [17] pp : [Section 1:. Minicacea, biicciuacea, i2()l pp. \\ proposed (»ighth section, "Opis- tliobranchia. Selected (ieo^rapliic Bibliographv; Re\i- sions, Corrections and Emendation; Iiidt»x", was never published.] Kaieher, S, 1), 196S. Mollusks and Miscellaneous ("roups. Lakekmd. Eloriila, Imperial Film Co., 34 frames, in color, 35 nnn fihnstrip. Kaieher, S. D, 1972. A .second o\ovi\iparous Xxssarius. The Nautilus S5: 126^12S. Kaieher, S. I). 1973. C'ard Cataloiine of World-wide Slu41s. l\ick #1 — Marginellidae. S. D. Kaieher, St. Petersburg, Morida, Cards |i-ii|. 1-95, 97-9S. Kaieher, S. 1). 1973. Card Catalogue of World-wide Shells. Pack #2 — Muricidae Part I. S. D. Kaiclu'r, St. Pet(Tsburu. Florida. Cards [i ii), 99-195. Kaieher, S. D. 1974. Card Catalo^'ue of World-wide Sliells. Pack #3— Mitridae Pari I. S. I). K:iieher St. Petersburs, Florida, Cards [i-iij, 196-292. Kaieher, S. I). 1974. Card Catalogue of Workbwide Shells. Pack #4 \litridae Part II. S. 1) Kaieher St. Petersburg, Florida, Cards fi-iif 293-344, 346-;389. Kaieher, S. D. 1974. C'ard Cat:ilr)inie of World-wide Shells. Pack #5 — Stroml)acea. S. D. Kaieher, St. Petersburi^, Flor- ida. Cards [i-iif 390—197. Kaieher, S. D. 1971 Card Cataloiine of World wide Slu^lls. Pack #6 — Muricidae Pari II S D Kaieher, St. Petensburg, Florida, Cards [i-ii], 49S-.594. Kaieher, S. D. 1975. Card Cataloiine of World-wide Shells. Pack #7 — Ter(4)ridae Part 1. S. D. Kaieher, St. Petersbjuii, I-'lorida, Cards [i-ii], 595-691. Kaieher, S. D. 1975, C-ard Catalogue of Wbrld-wiile SliiIIs. Pack #S — Naticidae P;nt I. S. 1). Kaiclier, St. Petersbniir, Florida, Cards [i-ii], 692-743, 745, 745[lnsj 797. Kaieher, S. D. 197(). C^ard Ciatalomie of World-wide Sliells. Pack #9 — Mitridae Pari 111 S. I) Kaieher. St. Petersburg, M..tida, Cards [i-iil. 798-903. Kai'oni(hie Part II. S. I). Kaieher, St. Petersburg. Florida, ('ards 'i ii], I 1 16-1221. Kaieher, S. 1). 1977. (^ard ('atalomie ol World-wide Shells, Pack #13— Conidae I^ui ill. S. 1) K:iicher, St. Pelers- bmir, Floricki, Cards [i-ii]. 1222 1327. Kaieher, S. D. 1977. ('ard Catalorld-\\i(le Slirlls. Pack #19 — CaiiLcHariidac. S. D. Kaielicr, St. Petcivslairg, Flnritki, C'anls fi-ii], 1859-U)f>4. kaiclu'r, S. D. 1979. C^ard Catakij^ue ol World-wide Sla-lls. Pack #20— Miiricidac Part I\'. S. D. Kaiclien St. Petcrs- bnrii;, Florida, Cards fi-ii|, 1966-2()0.S, 2U1U-2U7L Kaiclicr, S. 1). 1979. ( !ard C^atalounc ol World-wide Sliclls. Pack #21 — TrocIiiduL- Part 1. S. D. Kaitlici, St. Pctcrsbiirji;, I'lorida. C'ards [i-ii], 2072-2177. Kaiclier, S. 1). 1980. C>ard Catalomie of World-wide Shells. Pack #22 — Trocliidae Pai1 II. S. D, Kaiclii-r, St. Peters- burg, Florida, Cards li-iil 2179-2274, 2276-2284. Kaiclier, S. D. 1980. Card Cataloiiue of World-wide Shells. Pack #23 — Epitoniiilar Part I. S. D. Kaiclier, St. Petcrs- bnrcr, Floritla, Cards [i-ii]. 2285-2302, 2304-2391. Kaiclier. S. D. 1980. Card Cataloirue ol World-wide Shells. Pack #24 — Tluiidiiku- Pail I. S. D. Kait her, St. Petcrsl)ui jJ, Florida, Cards [i-iil- 2392-2497. Kaicher. S. D. 1980. Card ('ataloiine of World-wide Shells. Pack #25 — Muricidac Part V. S. 1^. Kaiclier, St. Prters- burcT, Florida, Cards [i-ii], 2498-2603. Kaicher, S. D. 1981. Card Catalogue of World-wide Shells. Pack #2rs^MargiuLllidae Part II S. D. Kaiclier, St. Pe- tersburg, Florida, Cards [i-ii], 2604-2086. 2688-2709. Kaiclier, S. D. 1981. Card Cataloirue of World-wide Shells. Pack #27 — Terelnidai Part II. S. D. Kaiclier, St. Peters- burg, Florida. ( 'ards [i-ii]. 2710-2815. Kaicher, S. D. 1981. Card Catalogue of World-wide Shells. Pack #28 — Ilaliotitlac. S. D. Kaicher, St. Petersburg, Flor- ida, Cards [i-ii], 2816-2921. Kaicher, S. D. 1981. Card Catalogue of World-wide Shells, Pack #29 — Naticidac Part II. S. D. Kaiclier, St. Peters- burg, Floriard Catiilogue of World-wide Sliells, Pack #38— Coluuibellid.ie Part^ 11. S. D, Kaicher, St. Pe- tersliurg, Flojida, Cartls [i-ii], 37i6[bis] 3875[bis], 3876- 3881. Kaicher, S. U. 1984. Card Cataloiiue of World-wide Slu41s. Pack #39 — Tmridae Part I. S. D. Kaiclu-r, St. IV tersburti, Florida, Cards [i-ii], 38S2-3987. Kaiclier, S. D P)S5. Card Cataloirue of Woild wide Shells. Pack #40— ( "f)rallioj)hiIidae Part I. S. D. Kaiclie?; St. Pe- tersbunj;, Florifla. C^ards [i-iij, .3988-4093. Kaicher, S. D. 1985. Card Catalogue of Workl-wide Shells. Pack #41 — Nassariidac Part 111. S. D. Kaicher, St. Peters- burg, Florida, Cards [i-ii], 4094—4199. Kaicher, S. 1). 19S5. Card Catalogue of World-wide Shells. Pack #42 — C'oluuibellHlae Part 111. S. D. Kaichcn St. Pe- tersljui'g, Florida, Cards [i-ii], 4200-4305. Kaiclier, S. D. 1985. Card CataloiLue of World-wide Sliells. Pack #4.'3 — Ruccinidae Part I. S. D. Kaicher, St. Peters- l>urg, Florida, Cards [i-ii], 4306—4411. Kaicher, S. D. 1986 C'ard C!atalo^iie of World-wide Shells. Pack #44 — Bucciuidae Part II. S. D. Kaicher, St. Peters- burg, Florida, C^ards [i-ii], 4412—4517. Kaicher, S, D, 1986. Card Cataloirue of World-wide Shells. Pack #45 — Trochidac l\ii t III. S. D, Kaicher, St. Peters- burg, Fli)rida, Cards [i-ii], 4518—4623. Kaicher, S. D. 1986. Card CatiJogue of World-wide Sliclls. Pack #46 — Fa,sciolariidae Part II. S. Kaicher, S. D. St. Petersburg, Florida, Cards [i-ii], 4624—4729. Kaicher, S. D. 1987. Card Cataloirue of World-wide Shells. Pack #47 — Neritidae Part I. S. 1^. Kaicher, St. Petersburg;, Florida, Cards [i-ii J, 4730—1835, Kaiclier, S. D. 1987. Card Cataloiriiu of World-wi. D. Kaicher, St. Peters- burg, Florida, Cards [i-ii], 611()-61S9, 61S9[bis]-6192, 6194-6215. Ka\; E. A. 1979. Hawaiian marine sht-Ils. Rpt4 and shore fauna of Hawaii. Section 4: Molhista. Bemice P. Bishop Muse- unj SpeciiJ Publication 64(4'. x\iii + 653 pp. Kohn A. I., S. S. Kim, P E. Pointer, A. C. Ri^us, H. T. Dang, A. K. Swarthout and T. A. Bod^. 1995. Catalogue of Re- cent and fossil Conns, 1937-1995. URL {http:// wAN-w.biuloi^'. Washington. edu/l>sa/AKolm/title. lit ml). Larnprell. K. 1999. Obituan. SalK* Diana Kaiclicr: Febmars' 19, 1922-March 29, 19vnj. AustrJasian Shell News 104: 4, Lvons, \\. G. and S. D. Kaicher. 197S. A new Vexilhun of the snbuenus Pusici Castronoda: NVxillidae; from th<* Biilia- mas. Bulletin of Marine Science 28; 543-549. Masahittj [Pnncc llitachi],T. KnrodaantlT. Mabe. 1971. Fam- ily Epitoniidae. Pp. 395-413 'Japanese), 247-25S (En- tflish) hi; Kurtida, T, T. Habe and K. ()\ama (eds.J Tlie Sea Sliells of Salami Ra\'. Marn/eu, Tok\(j. Pp. i-\ix, 1- 741 Japanese), 121 pis., 1-489 (English), l-r>l index). Mii-nis, H. K. 2002 On tht- idrntit\ iACallkfsUmta liccntdc Kntllant. Thf Conchulogists" Newsletter 160; 137. Okamofo, M , ed. 2001. Molluscan titxa described bvTiKlasliige Ilabe (for conmirmoratitju e)l his eighlirth l>irtliday. 1. (»astropoda cxcl. Ilcterobranchia). CJoniniiltee (or cele- brating Dr T Mabes Kiditietli Birihdav, Inkx-o, [iii] + \\\\\ + [i] + 891 pp. Olson, (). P. 1956. The genus Ban/spira Mollusca) in \ew Zealand. Xew /ealand CeokvHcal Sun(*\, PalfontoloLricuil liulletin 24: 1-32, pis. 1 7. O/aki. H. 1958. Slrati^raphical and palenutoloi^ieal studies on the Neofiene and Pleistocene formatinns ol thf^ T\osi Dis- trici. Rulli'tiu of tlu- National Science .Museum (.TokNo) 4(1): \i + 182 pp., 24 pis. (' L. 1957. Contrilmj^ao para o conlHX'i- nu'iito ila fauna niakucjlogiea de Angola: Ciasleropoiu'S testaceos. Anais da |uuta de ln\estiga(,*oes do I'ltraiiuu" 10(2;: 1-39, pis. 1-2'. I\'luch, E. J. 1980. Wlio is SalK Diana Kaicher? Ilawaiian Shrll News 28\12,: 4. I\mpe. C. T and Y. Onto. 1991. Enroptnui Seashells. \'ol I. Christ.! llnumen. \\ iesbadt H(^clu/, C. A. 1844. Descriptions ol new sjiecies of \a\icella. N(Mitina, N(M'ita, and \atica. in the cabiiut ol 1 1 Cumin. Reid. G. K., II. S. Zim and G. S. Fichter. 2001. Pond Life: A Guide to Common iMants and .\nimals ol Nortli American Ponds and Lakes. Re\ised edition. St. Martin's Press: New York. 160 pp. [Illustrated by SalK D. Kaicher and Tom Dolan.] Rice, T. 1969. A Catalog of Dt^alers Prices for .Marine Sliells. 2nd ed. Of Sea and Shore Publications, Port Gamble, Washington. 76 pp. Rice, T. 1977. A Catalog of Dealers Prices for Marine Sliells. 5th ed. Of Sea and Shore Publications, Port Gamble, Washington. 72 pp. [Rice, T] 1999. Sally Dianne [sicl Kaicher 1922-1999. Of Sea and Shore 22^2): 96. Rice. T. 2000. A Cataloir of Dealers Prices for Shells: Marine, Land 6^ Freshwatur. IStli ed. Of Sea and Shore Pubhca- tions. Port Gamble, W'asliington, ISO pp Rol;in, E. and D. Rockel. 2000 The endemic Conns of Am^ola. Argonauta 13(2): 5—14. Holan, E. and P. Rvall. 2000. Checklist ol the Angolan marine molluscs. Resenas Malacolofiicas 10: 1-132. Sabi Hi, B., R. Giammzzi-Sa\elli and 13. Bcdulli. 1990. Anno- tated Chcckdist ol Mediterranean Marine Nh)llusks. Vol. 1. Librcri;i Naluralistic;i Bolf)mi(»se, Bologna. \i\' + 348 Santos (ralindo, E. 1977. Index and register oi seashells vNutli cross rt-ferences). Mexico (a\\: E. Santt)s Calindo. xKi -^ [\iii] + 524 [+ 26 unnumbered pages, one for each letter of the alpliabet], 2 pis. SuNfler, M. A. 2003. (>atalounc of thr marine gastropod familv Fasciolariid.ie. Acadenn of Natuml Sciences oi Philadeb phia. Special Publication 21: i\ r 131 j>[v Sowerbx. (i. B. II 1880. .Mono